Sunday, 28 August 2011

Fragments of the East End - now available

Fragments of the East End, a new 160 page full colour book featuring photography, maps and montages of Jack the Ripper's London by Andrew Firth. Published through

This 160 page book includes photomontages of the Aldgate Pump, Aldgate East Station and Tavern, Black Lion Court (x2), St. Jude's Church Commercial Street, The Princess Alice Pub Commercial Street, Dorset Street and Millers Court, Durward Street (x2), Flower & Dean Street (x2), Gardiners Corner, Goulston Street, Grey Eagle Street (x2), Gunthorpe Street, Half Moon Passage, Hanbury Street, Henriques Street, Mitre Square (x2), Old Castle Street, Old Montague Street (x4), Plough Street, Poplar High Street, Spectacle Alley, St George in the East Mortuary, St Mary's Church, St Mary's Station, Swallow Gardens, Whites Row, Wickhams Department Store and Winthrop Street (x2).

In addition, many other east end locations are featured in full colour, with numerous atmospheric night shots.

Includes the authors own descriptive accounts of selected locations as they appear today, along with several map overlays showing the changes that have taken place in the east end over the last 120+ years.

Foreword written by John G. Bennett.

The book can be ordered here.

And here is the promotional video.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

The London Job 2011 Book. Now available.

Announcing the London Job 2011 book, which is now available for previewing and purchase from

Priced at £21.95, the book features 118 pages of colour and black & white photography from this year's London Job held on 4th and 5th June. With photographic and written contributions from Neil Bell, John Bennett, Trevor Bond, Robert Clack, Andrew Firth, Philip Hutchinson, Jackie Murphy, Laura Prieto, Jon Rees and Mark Ripper.

The book covers areas of the east end of London linked with the Jack the Ripper case, plus other points of interest of general historical importance. Locations featured include, The Liberty of Norton Folgate, Shoreditch, St Leonard's church and mortuary, Arnold Circus (site of the notorious "Old Nichol" slum), the site of Fort Vallance (headquarters of the Kray Twins), George Lusk's house on Tollet Street, the site of Maidman Street (location of the 1888 attack on Ada Wilson) and the City of London cemetery (location of the graves of Dr Llewellyn, and PC Ernest Thompson).

Sunday, 26 June 2011

The London Job 2011 Book. Coming soon...

In addition to my new book "Fragments of the East End", which will be published at the end of August, I am currently compiling a new photo book of this year's "London Job".
Covering the places visited in the east end over the course of the whole of the weekend of the 4th and 5th June 2011, featuring photographs from a number of the participants, the book will be available from

An announcement will appear here, once the book is ready for ordering.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Fragments of the East End - coming soon.

A new photographic book from Andrew Firth, coming this Summer. "Fragments of the East End" is the follow up to "Past Traces", and further explores the East End of London, highlighting what remains of this area from the time of Jack the Ripper. The book also briefly covers other areas of interest, such as the Kray Twins, and the Bethnal Green tube disaster of 1943. Featuring over thirty new photomontages, where old buildings long since demolished have been digitally "rebuilt" in the modern day scene. This new volume will be available, all being well, from August 2011.